+49 (0)7121-386967 (Mo. - Fr.: 9:00 to 16:00, free from German landlines)
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about 500,000 private & 8.000 commercial
Revocation right

Dear reseller, in this area you can register for your personal reseller login. After registering, we will contact you as soon as possible. Your data will of course be treated strictly confidentially.

In order to allow you to purchase as a reseller, we also require your trading licence (business license, trade register excerpt). You can send these documents by fax to +49 (0) 7121 - 6287681 or by e-mail (trading@trade4less.de) to us.

We will send the user name and password to you as soon as you are admitted as a reseller. Then you will have the permisssion to buy at reseller prices in our shop.

Please note that the release may take several hours.

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